Blood Defense : Into The Fire - Season 1 Episode 5

Stevian tells Prince Pal that since the Illuminati is threatening to kill his mother that he is going to shut down the label immediately. Prince Pal yells and tells Stevian that
it was crazy to even speak like that. Stevian then asked him what on God's green earth is left to do? At that moment Prince Pal told Stevian that Stacy Weaver just sold over 2 million copies of the song I Repent. a curse word slipped from Stevian's mouth and the employees who were in the room and close by said "oooooooh!"
He quickly said looking up to the heavens that he repent in Jesus name. His assistant just smirked and gave off a little giggle. Prince Pal told Stevian that he had to pray for deliverance on his foul tongue and went on to tell him that the Lord just gave him wisdom on how to out smart the enemy. king Stevian asked him if it was his wisdom or the wisdom that came from God. Prince Pal had replied to Stevian and told him that all wisdom comes only from God and if it involved evil it wasn't wisdom at all. So as he went on to tell Stevian that there would never be no need to go back which was called backsliding if the label would return to a secular music (as the label was before when his mother ran it) company instead of remaining a Gospel/Christian music label.
He told him that the label could buy up all the CD's that are in stores by contacting all the elders at all the churches nationwide and explain to them that they are in spiritual warfare and to gather the members. Stevian had asked Prince Pal if that would look desperate for money but he told him that he knew it wasn't about money and that all would be explained to them. Stevian had said that the elders would just say pray. Prince Pal looked at Stevian and told him that faith without works is dead and that work comes with the belief as believers walk to the end of whatever road they travel. Stevian replied and said to him that it all sounded good but went on to ask him about the digital downloads online. Prince Pal told him that he would birth their first new label called Christ Certified Music (which was part of the vision of Red Blood Records) and it would buy out all the music owned but in reality the label would be owned by Red Blood Records and the church elders would be the Board of Directors. Stevian said to him that that God in Heaven is amazing. He called his assistant in to tell her to send out a press release stating that the label would be acquired by Christ Certified Music and that they would immediately turn Red Blood into a distribution label. She ran out and did just that and the news spread fast as he said it and Stevian got the call he was hoping for which was his mom Ann telling him she was outside. Stevian told the employees and everyone ran to meet and greet her.
As everyone was hugging, talking and crying Ms. Ann told everyone that she had an announcement and that it wasn't what they would like to hear. Stevian asked his mom what was it looking terrified. She told the staff that the head of the Illuminati was one of their label's own. As Stevian looked around he found everyone there except two important employees. The phone then rang and Stevian said "Awwwwww not again!" His assistant ran to answer the phone and told Stevian that it was Prince Pal who was now the head of Red Blood and Mr. Sampson who was given Holy Hustle Entertrainment to run for the Red Blood label imprint. They gave his assistant the message to tell Stevian and Ann that their label was jacked and they have lost total ownership and the list of elders that his assistant called was Prince Pal's list of Illuminati followers.
Stevian fell to his knees yelling in tears "What have I done?"
End of Episode 5
Episode 6 Preview
Red Blood Records shuts it's doors and leaves the entire staff on unemployment while Stevian goes into depression and contemplates suicide as him and Ms. Ann is only left with a blank distribution company. He tells his mother that all of the things happened because of him being in Christ and that if his life was going to be like that then secular music seems to be the option or it's suicide. Find out if Stevian commits suicide and if his mother Ms. Ann or someone else comes up with a strategic plan to reclaim their labels and finally take down the Illuminati on the next Episode of...........

#BloodDefense The #Illuminati takes control of this Label in order to stop #Christ in #music